Mobile Outreach Support Team
Having seen the impact of our Drop-in centres on our neighbourhood youths, we can’t wait to see how the Mobile Outreach Support Team (MOST) will allow us to take our mission on the go!
At YGOS, we believe in the importance of building healthy and meaningful relationships with the youths we meet and by having MOST (drop-in on the move) we will have more opportunities to reach out to children-at-risk and youth around local communities.
Equipped with a brand new Electric Vehicle (EV), you can catch our youth workers cruising around youth hotspots facilitating sports (Basketball, street soccer etc.) and creating a safe space for youth to hang out with positive supervision.
We hope that through these efforts, we will be able to extend our services beyond engaging activities and for the youths to allow us to provide them emotional, social and mental health support through the diverse programmes we offer (career/employment guidance, smoking cessation sessions and mentoring).
We are also looking forward to partnering with local stakeholders (police, grassroots organisations, schools, other social service agencies etc.) to create a supportive ecosystem and safety net for our youth.
To keep up with us, you can follow us on Instagram @ygos_sg or Facebook (Youth Guidance Outreach Services).