Reformative Training Centre

YGOS and REACH Community Services (consortium partnership) have been appointed by SPS to provide Case Management Services (CMS) for the Reformative Training Centre (RTC) since April 2024.
The Reformative Training Centre (RTC) houses youths below 21 years old on the day of conviction and deemed suitable for reformative training.
The objective of reformative training is to provide rehabilitation and reintegration into society.
The youths go through the institution training and treatment (residential phase), followed by determining their suitability for release under a supervision order (community supervision phase) or release for supervision (ROS).
During ROS, the SPS reintegration office (RO) and caseworker will be assigned to the youth to provide intervention and guidance for their reintegration into the community.
The youth will also undergo electronic tagging. Should the youth contravene with the requirement(s) of the supervision, the youth may be recalled back to RTC for key reintegration issues to be addressed before subsequently being placed on community supervision again.
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What is reformative training, and why is it used in wide range of cases in Singapore?

SINGAPORE — Recent cases of young offenders being sentenced to reformative training for crimes ranging from rape to selling e-cigarettes have led some to wonder why such varied offenses can fall under this rehabilitative regime.
On Monday (Jan 22), a 19-year-old, who was 16 when he raped a 14-year-old schoolmate, was given such a sentence for a minimum of one year.
Then, on Tuesday, an 18-year-old who advertised the sexual services of two underage girls on Telegram was sentenced to at least six months of reformative training.
And then on Friday, a teenager who helped sell electronic cigarettes to his friends, among other offenses such as rioting, was sentenced to a minimum of 12 months’ reformative training.
In light of these cases, some have also wondered what is the difference between this regime and a normal jail term, and what kind of offenders are eligible for the regime.