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"I Was Heartbroken, But Now Filled With Love & Hope"

Her boyfriend was her everything. Naturally, the break up left a deep wound in Jenna’s heart. Ever since, she lost her direction in life. Broken, Jenna channelled her hurt towards others. She became blunt and bitter, neglecting others and eventually herself. Jenna locked herself up in her room and didn’t attend school. Even her parents had a difficult time trying to connect with Jenna.

“During this bleak period of my life, I was placed under the care of a caseworker from Youth Guidance Outreach Services (YGOS), Grace. I went through a long process of healing and rebuilding with her help. She was very gentle and nice towards me, just like a big sister.”

Where there was previously only dreadful darkness, now there are rays of hope.

The genuine care and concern from Grace allowed Jenna to feel secure again. Through numerous meaningful conversations and encouragement, Jenna’s love tank was slowly being refuelled. Where there was previously only dreadful darkness, now there are rays of hope.

Jenna did not really believe that she could change for the better, though she harboured the intention to do so. Nevertheless, the support and love from YGOS and her friends empowered Jenna to make small but rewarding steps.

Even as Jenna tried going back to school, she struggled hard to connect with her peers after being absent for such a long time. Eventually, Jenna decided to attend a vocational training school where she learned hairdressing. She has since graduated successfully.

Thankfully, her living environment also changed for the better. Previously staying in a rented flat, Jenna’s family now has a flat of their own. Jenna’s relationship with her parents significantly improved over time too. She attributes the tremendous progress she has made to the support of her parents and Grace, her caseworker.

From her, I felt hope, love and concern - things that were once distant to me. Now I truly understand what it means to be treasured.”

“Grace was a positive role model as I saw myself becoming more mature and appreciative. She played a huge part in this crucial period of my life. From her, I felt hope, love and concern - things that were once distant to me. Now I truly understand what it means to be treasured.”

By: Jenna

16 years old, Enhanced STEP-UP Programme (ESU)

*Name has been changed to protect client's privacy

- Photo via Freepik

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